Jaxin's Stories: *Rate them*

*NEW* Sammy the Snail [2-8-06]
Brilliant [5-29-05]
Orange, Pizza, Flamingo, Carrot [4-28-05]
Ramon the Aardvark [3-13-05]
Life Sucks [1-4-05]
Jaxin's DDR duel [11-22-04]
What the Fuck is in the Water, People? [10-26-04]
Questions [10-4-04]
Zombie [9-21-04]
Jaxin 14: Jaxin Goes to Hell! [7-27-04]
The Meaning of a Clown [7-24-04]
Girl [7-1-04]
Honors Program Essay [4-28-04]
Stan [4-27-04]
Clownja log: Clown #1, Ninja #95.5 [4-12-04]
Ninjas are cool [4-12-04]
Larry and the Dodecahedron [3-30-04]
The Badger Who Got Distracted [3-15-04]
The Meaning of a Song [3-9-04]
Jerry and Winslow Play Go [3-2-04]
Heart Problem Henry [2-28-04]
Max's Affair With Jugs and Waiters. [2-26-04]
Riding A Moose [2-24-04]

The Original Stories:
Don't Fear the Monkey
Floor Scrubbin'
Freddy the Frog
Happy Wiggle Bunny
Harry the Friendly Head of Lettuce
Ninja Log: 63, 64, 65
Ninja Log: 80, 81, 82

Unknown Date (First Quickwrite)
November 14, 2003
November 19, 2003

Somewhat Interesting Stuff:
Jaxin's Magical Zodiac [3-29-05]
Manji vs. Seshomaru, the Ongoing Saga...
My Dinner With "SmarterChild"
Hat Association of America
chibi.html [9-16-04]
Mr. Gerken's Feats of Strength! (written sometime in late 2003-early 2004) [1-17-05]

Other People's Stuff:
The Yamens (feat: Lagerquist, Nikki) [3-20-05]
HOLY CRAP! (feat: Plant, Chloe) [7-1-04]
Jaxin's Revenge on Korean Data Systems (feat: Arias, Pablo; Moi) [5-4-04]
Manji vs. Seshomaru (feat: Erickson, Neal; Plant, Chloe; Cauliflower, Clara; Moi)
Morgan's Stories (feat: Morgan)

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