I was messing around on my computer the other day when I opened someone's profile and noticed this at the bottom:
"***Ask me 3 questions, anything you want, and I will answer honestly. Post this and allow your friends to ask you three questions that you must answer honestly"
Now, most people would find this interesting or intriguing. You know what it made me think? Well, here we go:
What the fuck is wrong with this society when we have to have a fucking message in our profile that tells us that we will tell the truth, that we will talk straight with someone. And this "honesty chain" bullshit is supposed to be an original, thought provoking idea? FUCK THAT.
Well, here's my fucking announcement in my fucking profile. Anything you talk to me about, I'll tell you the truth, because that's what I do. There are so many people I talk to every day that spew more and more bullshit that the human race has to wade through, day after day after DAY! I want to end it. If you read this, (which very few people will) then start telling the truth to people when they ask you a fucking question. If someone asks me "What do you think of me Jaxin? Am I a good guy?" and I think he or she is a douchebag, I sure as hell will tell them that they are a douchebag. Have you ever noticed how it's really hard to ask questions of people sometimes? It takes a lot of willpower to ask a serious question, as opposed to small talk. I have a theory of WHY it takes so much willpower to ask such a question. I think it's because people know that after they ask the question, the answer is either going to A) not answer the question at all, just sort of ramble off into something else or B) be a lie. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the social barriers are born from and consist of DISHONESTY.
So here is my shout out to people. Next time someone asks you a question, answer it truthfully. Even if it hurts you, even if it hurts them. Because being hurt is much easier and goes away faster than being lied to.
I should make t-shirts that say "End Social Barriers". Would anyone buy them? After a certain point, they would become a social barrier in and of themselves, because someone would buy one not even understanding what social barriers are. So they'd be lying to you with their shirt, before they even open their mouths.
Would you buy my shirt? Answer the question! Go to "Rate My Stories" and post your opinion. I'll be impressed if I get 3 responses.
By the way, if the person who had that in their profile reads this, no offense. I am not disgusted at you, I'm disgusted at society's pattern of lies. At least you were willing to answer three questions; lots of people never answer a question honestly in their whole lives...