God I hate people sometimes. Is the world just a game to most people? I mean, socially? I feel like people want to make social interaction more difficult, just for the hell of it. I mean, I don't mean to be some sort of social retard, but when I talk with someone, yes should mean yes and no should mean no. I guess that people want to spend their lives having pseudo-conversations.
Like flirtation. I mean, people do it all the time, as if they enjoy it. I mean, I guess it's kind of flattering for a couple minutes but it makes me want to gag, mostly. Oh well. I wish life was easy, but whatcha gonna do?
The name of this html document I'm writing right now is "chibi.html". Not very descriptive of what this is about. It was originally going to be me typing about how I wanted to talk about my plan to make the "Adventures of Chibiman", but, I dunno. Actually, I might as well.
"The Adventures of Chibiman" are a group of stories that I may or may not make someday which can only be told orally. And I'd never write them down. Eh. That's pretty much it, in terms of a plan. Whatever.
Hmmm, this is actively becoming a very rarely updated crappy blog. But whatever. I won't torture my readers (all one of you. jesus christ. neal, i should just send you an email) any more with the editorial on people by a disgruntled grocery bagger. Stupid customers.