Jaxin's Revenge on Korean Data Systems
This story was a joint effort between the genius storytelling abilities of Mr. Pablo Arias and me. We kind of switch off. Try to follow it, it's kind of hard.
Jaxin: "So I was playing the computer today and was angry at the slow download speeds I was getting, so I punched the monitor as hard as I could. The screen broke, and left my hand bloody and mangled and covered in broken glass. At first, it stung a little, but I soon realized how powerful my newly found HAND OF GLASS was. I was having trouble deciding whether to use my powers for good or for evil, so I consulted the teachings of Ghandi. I remember him saying something about 'An Eye For an Eye', so I decided that I would seek revenge on all the monitor manufacturing companies in the world, beginning with the company that transformed me into the hideous freak that I am today: Korean Data Systems. Take it away, Pablo!" Pablo: "He showed up without warning. When I saw his HAND OF GLASS, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. When my watch-partner got a piece of glass lodged in his eye, I pissed my pants. Fingering the snap on my holster, I ran down the corridor at breakneck speed, knocking over technicians and their equipment on the way. The furies incarnate, Jaxin roared down the pathway, clearing a path through the workers with his HAND OF GLASS and terrible war cry (Jaxin's war cry does 1d4 damage and knockback). Realizing I was his target, I used my adreniline for all it was worth, rounding a corner, and sending boxes of monitors sprawling over the tile floor. I looked back, to see the terrible wielder of the HAND OF GLASS trip over a fallen monitor box. To my great joy, it appeared as if he would break his fingers trying to absorb the impact of the fall. To my great dismay, his fingers simply bent back, then rebounded in a sickening display. Then it hit me: he's not only a super-villian because he has glass in his hand; he's a mutant! Back to you, Jaxin." Jaxin: "After a quick bounce back from the floor and a quick slash to the face of the guard ahead of me, blood sprayed and he fell down, clearly dead. Grabbing a handful of broken glass from the broken monitors around me, I jammed it in my mouth and ate it for sustenance. 'Breakfast of Champions,' I said in the traditional action movie villian witty remark tone of voice. With the new power coursing through my veins, I spun around like a tornado of glass and overwhelming wit and ran through several walls of solid concrete. There, I found the CEO of Korean Data systems sitting at his desk.
"'You come to my country, sell your ridiculously cheap monitors at our electronics stores and drive American electronics out of the market and now this,' I said with my eyes narrowed and my voice low and menacing. 'You've cost me the ability to...uh...well, I guess, you've done nothing but give me superpowers, but still, you must die!'
"The CEO cowered in his seat as I prepared for my next attack. And now back to Pablo for a second helping of that deliciously ludicrous storytelling..." Pablo: "Throbbing, I woke up, blood in my mouth and saturating my clothing. The tile floor was stained red. I couldn't have been out for more than 5 minutes, because the blood was still warm and sticky and my wounds were still pulsing out fresh blood with every heartbeat. That idiot's done it now, I thought. The pain levelled me out, giving me the calmness to finally unbutton my holster. Withdrawing the pistol, I tried to get to me feet. My legs were shaky, but my only serious wound was to my face. Glad that Bastard didn't blind me, I thought to myself. The loss of blood reaching my head, I decided the only way to defeat this guy was to fight fire with fire.
"Scooping up a handful of shards, I delicately placed them into my hand, gifting myself with my own HAND OF GLASS. As I rushed towards the door, ready for the final showdown, I took everything in one glance: The defenseless CEO, and the towering rage of Jaxin. "Hey, would you like a new asshole?!" I shouted, and the showdown began. Gripping my pistol in one hand, and waving my newly formed HAND OF GLASS, I rushed towards this mysterious man. And now back to Jaxin." Jaxin: "I turned around to face him. His face was mangled and slashed up, but he stood strong and unwaivering, ready for the fight of his life. I lunged forward and threw a punch with my powerful HAND OF GLASS which was swiftly blocked by his apparently equally powerful HAND OF GLASS. The shockwave was so great, however, that the meat on the CEO's frame was ripped from his bones. The fight continued, punch after punch, shockwave after shockwave, until there was barely any building left at all from all the force at our fighting. At the same time, we both realized that this needed to end here and now, and we lunged at each other, each unleashing the HAND OF GLASS' most powerful attack: GLASS PUNCH OF DEATH AND ULTIMATE SUPER MEGA ULTRA POWER FORCE IMPACT DOOM MONSTER WHEAT CHEX SLAM EARTHQUAKE GOPHER SHOCKWAVE CHAOS REVENGE DESTRUCTION VII. The two attacks came together in an explosion that destroyed ALL MATTER IN THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM. Hence, we both died.
"Okay, well, you may point out the fact that the solar system was still intact and I am here to tell the story, therefore, this whole endevour never happened. Well, I guess you're right. It must have just been Pablo and me getting kind of carried away. Oh well."