Pablo: "Unloading my pistol clip on one furious volley of fire, I realized it would be no help against this foe. He deftly dodged the fire, and blocked the remaining bullets with his fearful HAND OF GLASS. We stormed towards each other, and, for no apparent reason, other than to win the love of the audience, I shouted 'Revolution! Power to the Proletariat! Freedom!' Now, normall, I would only shout these phrases when fighting an oppressor. I have no idea why they applied to Jaxin. Anyway, we exchanged blows, and I realized the monitor glass not only provided me with a useful weapon, it granted me lightning speed and innate understanding of combat. In that ballet of blows, we proved equal. Discouraged, I shouted over the din, 'What the hell? You want to call it quits?'
"He replied, 'Sure, I just want my revenge.' Realizing it would be of no concern to me if my overpaid boss died, I watched as Jaxin pummeled him with his HAND OF GLASS. Some random guy came up midway, so I showed him who's boss. Random Guy: 0. Pablo: 1."