So I'm in the arcade today and I had already played several games of DDR, and this guy comes up and I had just finished a game so he hadn't seen me play apparently. So we play versus, and I tell him "Go ahead and choose all the songs," because I'm cool like that. Anyway, so I play on heavy, and he decides to play on standard. So I'm like whatever, and he chooses some crappy song, and I pass it easily. He does like, medium-good, but nothing fancy.
So then he says "I just use that to warm up..." and changes it to heavy, as if it's like "I'm not left handed!" or something. So I guess I'm supposed to be all surprised and crap my pants with fear. So anyway, he chooses the next two songs, they are really easy, I pass them fine and yeah, so on.
Then we play another game, this time he tells me to choose all the songs. So I choose Breakdown first, which is a pretty tough song, and I was like "Are you okay with this?" and he was like "Sure, it's fine." So I choose it, he fails miserably, I get a B. Next, I choose Can't Stop Falling in Love (Speed Mix) which is like a medium-hard song. Again, I check with him "Are you okay with this song?" and he's like "Sure, I'll try." So, we start playing, and I'm doing really well, and he does so bad that he just walks off the pad all angry like. He's like all mad at me for choosing the song and so he like, pees his pants and starts punching a bunch of people and vandalizing payphones and stuff.
Well, so after I finish the song with an A, he's like "Can you choose something not so hard?" and I'm like "Well, maybe you could go back down to standard," but he says "No, I'm never going to get better that way." So I choose some boring ass song, and I get an A on it no problem, he does pretty crappy. Anyway, so then he was like, wanting to play by himself. So I let him play, and guess what he does? He chooses standard! That bastard! So I ripped out his spine and threw him aside, finishing his song for him.
Call me a DDR elitist, but if he can choose a bunch of songs that are way too easy and no fun for me, I should be able to choose a bunch of songs that are hard and no fun for him. It's a two way street, people. If you see some guy who is better tha you in the arcades, don't use him to keep you from failing, it's just stupid. Whatever. What a pointless post. You guys wanted me to post something. Meh.