What the fuck is in the water, people?
Experts (Jaxin and Neal) agree, something is in the water. I have had four, count them, FOUR extremely meaningful conversations today, one of which was worth two. So I'll just say five. Five meaningful conversations? Holy crap! I only get like one every 3 months usually.
Whatever is in the water, it's been in for like a year, and it's mixing everything up. Neal is actually talking about emotion, Jaxin is depressed, Sara isn't hurting herself, it's like the whole world has freaking flip flopped on everything.
Plus I quit my job. Five meaningful conversations plus I quit my job. That job quitting thing must be worth at least 2 and a half conversations. Seven and a half meaning points in one day!
Plus I went to Home Depot and bought some pegboard. Ok, fine that isn't worth anything.
But the world is crazy. The day has been superficially simple, but extremely emotionally complex. But all in all, experts (Jaxin and Neal) agree, whatever's in the water, put more in.