Larry and the Dodecahedron
Larry was a kid who loved maple syrup. He'd put it on anything: pancakes, waffles, french toast...well, that was about the extent of the list.
Anyway, during spring break, Larry sat around eating Cheezits and eating various breakfast foods with maple syrup on them all the time. He never got up to do anything, and his parents got worried about him.
"Larry, we are getting worried about you," his mother said.
"You don't do anything anymore. You just sit there eating cheezits and french toast," said his father. "Not together of course, thank god, because I would have to throw you into a volcano if you did," he added.
"Harold, please!" the mother said. "Look, Larry, we're not going to make you do this if you don't want to."
"I don't want to," Larry said with a mouthful of waffles.
The parents looked at each other for a second, not knowing what to do. His mother then said, "Too bad, you're doing it anyway."
After much kicking, screaming, and a large scale french toast fight, they finally forced Larry to go to Karate class.
Larry turned out to be very talented at Karate, and within the first 25 seconds of the class, he had already attained a 12th degree black belt. He killed his master and the whole class.
When he came home, Larry killed his mother and married his father. They lived happily ever after, in a large fortress of doom on top of mount doom which was located in doom valley. This fortress had near impenetrable defenses, the only flaw was that whenever there was a door to be unlocked, there would be a big monster somewhere that had the key. The fortress was never penetrated, however, except once, by a hero they call Jiggin Walkingtonson...but that's another story.
Oh, by the way, a Dodecahedron is a three-dimensional shape with twelve perfect congruent pentagons as faces. It serves no part in this story.