Ninja Killing Log Numbers 63, 64, and 65:
"so then i said "dont you look at me like that" and he waz like "like what" and im like "like this!" and I lunged at him and cut his throat with a letter opener. I lost all bad spelling, punctuation and grammar and went into ninja killing mode. The other two started to fly away but I leapt 30 feet in the air, kissed the ceiling and kicked both of them back onto the ground. I could see fear in the left one's eyes; he was so scared that he might as well have covered himself in mayonnaise and set himself on fire, but the other had the determination of a bag of beets. The determined one wanted to cut to the chase, so he was about to kill his friend so it would be a one-on-one fight (he obviously saw the fear too) but I wasn't about to give up my sixty-fourth ninja kill. So I let out a raging war cry and ran towards them. I pushed the determined one out of the way and threw the fearful one to the ground. After stomping on him for 20 minutes, he was dead. I was just about to straighten my tie when the determined one tackled me and we both tumbled out the window. Luckily, the building was 80 or 90 stories tall so I had some time to finish him off. We exchanged punches with a repetative 3-frame animation for about 10 or 15 minutes and then I got sick of it and decided to finish him. I gave him a stare so ferocious it snapped his neck. Then I used my ki to absorb the damage from the fall."