HOLY CRAP!!! I'm gonna do something with this it's sooooooo awesome. This was an email from Chloe.

Hello there!
I'm not exactly sure what to write so I'll make it up…

* birds stop cheeping*
It all started on a dark and stormy night, Lt. Col. Fifim, the platypus, wriggled onto the front doorstep.
* Cue the lightening and thunder*
She looked around nervously. Shortly there after she pulled a walkie-talkie out of her pocket. (no questions)
"The area looks secured, sir. All forces are ready for the command. Do we move in, sir?"
(ominous voice) "No, Lt. Col., hold your position. We are detecting a possible interference frequency, stand by for further notice."
"Could this be the U.C.C.I.F.*'s H.Q.? Sir, do you suspect that this is the area in which all the C.F.B.*'s are created, the starting point for all of the U.C.C.I.F.'s subterfuge?!"
* U.C.C.I.F. ~ United Crocodilian Central Intelligence Force *C.F.B. ~ Capable Fighter Bot
( ominous voice ) "It is! Move in, move in, fire at will, the area is heavily guarded!!"
" Yes Sir! Alright, you platypie! Lets move in! Fire at will!!"
Alas, Lt.Col. Fibim's force of Automatic Mustard Squirters are no match for the infamous…
"Green Grape Launcher!! Pull back, pull back! All forces adopt the SWAN formation!"

~three minuets later~
"Alright team, turn your A.M.S.'s to 'Extra Spicy', and hope that you are blessed by Jebus, our Holy Shaner- ", is struck by lightening, " *cough cough* Shaver." ( Both sides cease fire, at the mention of the Holy Shaver, and collectively draw all four suits on the back of their flippers with ball point pens)
A strange looking cockatiel rises up from the hot spring and says,
( ominous voice ) "Since I Am the Walrus, I say we all negotiate over a fresh flan and play Go Jebus, may thy game be full of heartfull slaps and many a spoon lashing."
(All proceed to retrace the four suits on their flippers with their ball point pens)
"Amen!" x≈ 54.

Hope you enjoyed it! ~ Chloe *^_^* - still an inspiration to all Himalayan flat-footed, bilingual frogs. (via the adoration and thankfulness of all tall, right handed, native Himalayan children) *^_^*
