Manji vs. Seshomaru, Neal's Rendition
Manji : (standing there looking bad ass) who are you?
Seshomaru: (far off look) pathetic human.
Manji: (takes straw out of moulth) Who do you think you are? Some god?
Seshomaru: Jerkin, take care of him
Jerkin: Yes Seshomaru sama.
Manji: (draws swords and decapitates jerkin in on swing) heh, he was pathetic.
Seshomaru: Thanks, he was kinda pissing me off with his all his grovalign.
Seshomaru's Rin: (picks up staff of heads thingy)
Manji: Now unless you are part of the Itto-ryu I have nothing more to do with you, beet it.
Seshomaru: You think you can order me around? I'll just have to kill you
Manji: Bwahahaha good luck. Are you sure though, you might get some blood on your precious cloths.
Seshomaru: (draws sword)
Manji: (still has swords out)
S: (jumps at manji and swings, cutting off manji's leg)
M: (Slashes Seshomaru across the arm, then picks up his leg and re-ataches it) Your weak.
S: Ah you must have a shikon shard... No problem, I shall kill you.
M: Shikon what!? What the hell are you babaling about! (Launches into another attack)
S: (paryies a few blows, but trips over a rock because he doesnt ever cast his eyes down)
M: (kicks Sheshomaru and severs sheshomarus non demon arm from his body)
S: Eh I didn't need that. Jerkin take care of this guy
J: --- dead ---
M: Umm he's dead already.
S: ...
M: (attacks breaking sehsomarus armor)
S: Damn! that was my favorite artical of clothing! you shall pay! (attacks manji)
M: (Dodges/Blocks every single blow)
S: Your good... But you dont smell like a demon
M: Demon? Hell no! I don't need any ****ing demon blood in me, I have enough forign blood.
S: Nani?
M: Enough idle chatter. (attacks again)
Seshomaru's rin: NO Seshomaru sama!
Manji's Rin: Kid get out of here, your going to get hurt.
S's Rin: But Seshomaru, he's hurt
M's Rin: well that's what happens when somebody mess' with Manji.
S's Rin: But but but...
M's Rin: Look kid.. (tells rin why seshomaru is really not all that great when compaird to manji)
S's Rin: your right! Manji is way more bad ass! Go manji!
M: Who is that kid?
S: Rin!? why rin?! Why are you leaving me?!
M's Rin2: Because you stink, and manji is better!
S: Manji! how dare a human like you take what is precious to me! DIE!
Manji: eh, enough play time, (kills seshomaru). Thtat was a good work out, lets go find some more Itto-ryu
Manji's 1st Rin: Yeah!
Manji's 2nd Rin (aka Seshomaru's rin): Itto-what?
1st Rin: I'll tell you (explains)
2nd rin: They killed your father?
1st: yeah
2nd: that's so sad... and to think seshomaru did that sort of ting...
Manji: Enogh talk, he was nothing...
Seshomaru's spirit: Damn he was strong... Maybe i'll follow him around and learn something from him
(enter inuyasah)
Inuyasha: Seshomaru! I'll kill you... oh... your already dead.
Manji: You know him?
Inu: yeah, he's my brother
Manji: God damn it, dont tell me, you want revenge?
Inu: did you kill him? Hell no I dont want revenge, thanks man. He was pissing me off.
Kagome: Is he really dead?
Manji: yup.
Kagome: oh well.
Miroku: (feels up 1st rin)
1st Rin: (slaps Miroku upside the head)
Miroku: Will you bear my children?
1st rin: !? Lechorus Priest! Get away! (proceeds to beet up miroku) (hufing) stupid basterd
Manji: What's with him?
Inu: Miroku, knock it off! Uh... he says that to every woman he meets.
Manji: woh, hard core.
Boomerang weiling girl: (muttering) He never asked me...
Kagome: Well... umm Manji, you don't hapen to have a shikon shard do you?
Manji: What's with everybody and shikon shards!?
Kagome/Inuyasha: What do you mean everybody?
Manji: that seshomapu asked if I had one..
Inuyasha: do you?
Manji: Nope
Inuyasha: Damn a waste of time. Well thanks for killing him
Manji: No problem. Oh yeah do you know where Anotsu Kagehisa is?
Kagome: You mean that Itto-ryu guy?
Rin: You know him!?
Kagome: Nope.
Manji: then how did you know he was Itto-ryo?
Kagome: I heard you talking to seshomaru bout him
Manji: oh.
Inuyasha: Well we have to go now.
Manji: ok
2nd rin: by by inuyasha no neko
Inuyasha: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
Kagome: SIT!
Inuyasha: (slams into the ground)
Manji: Damn that's usefull
Kagome: We really do hve to go now...
Miroku: Bye (gropes one more time, but acidently gropes manji)
Manji: (slices off Miroku's hand)
Miroku: Wow, that was an easy solution to the air void problem, thanks man
Manji: No problem, just stop groping peole neh?
Miroku: sure. Now where are those hobbits...
Enter felowship
Frodo: Umm this doesnt look like Mordor...
Sam: I think we are lost mr. Frodo
Manji: The freeks just keep showing up
Legolas: Hahaha Stil prittiest!
Gimly: What strange cloths.
Kagome: *What strange looking people*
1st rin: Uh.. are you guys Itto-Ryu?
Aragorn: Itto-Ryu? What is that? Are they orcs?!
Gimly: ORCS!? KILL! (starts waving around ax)
Marry: (trhows rock at gimly)
Gimly: Oh... no orcs...
Frodo: good sir, which way to Mordor?
Kirara: *purr*
Sam: What a cute cat... I think it needs a bath.
Frodo: !? SAM! your only supost to bath me!!!!
Sam: Uh... sorry mr. frodo...
Gimly: What is this!?
Legolas: Sam....
Miroku: (I give up on women, these hobits are great!)
Sam: (shoots daggers at Miroku*figuratively*)
Manji: woh, that sam guy looks like he'll kill you if you try anything miroku, back off.
Miroku: yeah...
Legolas: Why do people find short furry creaturs so attractive! I nance the best!
Manji: Damn, Im sick of all this weird shit. Come on rin, err rins lets go.
1st Rin: Alright
2nd Rin: Im outa here also
Pippen: Whats that dead guy over there for? Is he mordor? are we there yet?!
Marry: nope.
(that night)
Pippen: Oh it's Kirara... What do you want?
Boomarang weilding girl: HEY THAT'S MY KIRARA! (throws boomarang)
Marry & Pippen: Ahh! *dies*
Gimly: My hobits! (rushes into battle)
Miroku: Air Void thingy in japanese that I cant remember!!!!!!! Oh it's gone, that's right.. im still beeding arnt I... (falls unconsious)
Kagome: (Picks up bow)
Legolas: (picks up bow)
Kagome/Lagolas: (fires arrows, bounce off eachother)
(enter orcs)
Orc 2,463: ARG!
Inuyasha: ... what a pathatic monster.
Manji: Hey Inuyasha guy, can you fight?
Inuyasha: Can I? Ha! I'll show you! (attacks orcs, Kills 150 in a single swing)
Manji: Impressive... I'll give you a hand. (continues the sloughter)
Seshomaru: *Im still dead... why am I here*
1st rin: I'll help... (throws darts/daggers) well.. actualy Im not of much use...
Manji: Go back to sleep rin, we'll take care of these peopole
Aragorn: *cant get up, stubble stuck to velcro on girls pack*
Legolas: Girl, your arrows are deflecting mine, what's goign on?
Kagome: I don't remember why im attackign you but I am, Die!
Legolas: (gets hit with arrow) ok... *dies*
Sam: you want another bath mr. frodo?
Frodo: all this fighting makes me want another bath...
Sam: Yes mr. frodo.
Gollem: Im not an orc, stop!
Gimly: Stupid boomeragn girl!
Kirara: (eats gimly) Nya.. *such terrible food*
Manji: (kills more orcs)
Orc 362: ahh *dies*
Shipo: Foxfire! oh yeah it's just an Ilussion... Im rather useless...
Inuyasha: (Finishes off last of orcs)
Boomerang weilding girl: (finishes off last of hobits and gimly) (huffing) how dare they suduce my Kirara
Aragorn: I wasn't involved.. I jsut wasnted to be king!
Manji: Do you know anybody in the Itto-Ryu
Aragorn: umm... (thinking) Of coruse! *I hope that's the right answer*
Manji: well then, time to die (attacks)
Aragorn: I mean no! (Flies off the bridge into the pit below)
Inuyasha: At least all those freeks are gone
Manji: yeah... Well latter.
Kagome: It was nice meeting you
Kirara: (grows)
(inuyasha's crew gets on bord and flies away)
(Manji is left with 2 rins and lots of dead bodies)
Manji: uhh let's go.
Rins: sure
Seshomaru: *Still dead, damn!*
