Manji vs. Seshomaru, Clara's Version
One fine spring day....
*birds twittering* Inuyasha: (sniffing the air) I smell something...and it doesn't smell right. Come on, Kagome (& crew)...something's up! Manji: (standing there looking constipated) Who are you? Sesshomaru: (Clearly has been there for some time) What? I already told you who I was. I am (dramatically) SESSHOMARU SAMA! Manji: (rolling his eyes) I'm NOT asking YOU...are you blind? Who's that beside you? Sesshomaru: EEEK! ER, um...heh...why that is none other than my arrogant no good brother, Inuyasha. Manji: Huh. Inuyasha: Sesshomaru, who is this guy? Why are you talking to him? He's human, after all...isn't he? Sesshomaru: Yes, I was about to dispatch of him, but then you arrived, you scum bag dog turd. Inuyasha: What???!! What did you call me? *shwiiing* (draws sword) Sesshomaru: (cracks fingers) Hmm...this will be fun. Manji: What are you two doing? Aren't you brothers? Stop this madness! *thud* (manji's head is lopped off by Inuyasha) Sesshomaru: Thanks. He was getting annoying. Manji: Dorks! This won't stop me! Sesshomaru: GYAA! erm..heh...of course. What about if I dice you up into little pieces, eh? Inuyasha: I'LL SPARE YOU THE TROUBLE! *sliceslicesliceslice*
(Manji now looks sort of like those chopped olives you get at Petrini's on your salad.) Sesshomaru: Hm. Interesting. Prepare to die! (lunges at Inuyasha) Inuyasha: (Skidds off to one side) Where were you looking! Haha!
Enter the nine companions + Arwen (liv tyler..ick) Arwen: Ah..what a beautiful day. I feel so...feminine!
Enter Inuyasha's gang Miroku: *must...grope....* Sango: Smack. Kagome: INUYASHAAAA! Inuyasha: Who the hell are you? Kagome: AIII! He's lost his memory! Inuyasha: No, not you, them! (points at the nine + arwen) Gimli: We're hunting orcs! You're a funny sort of orc. Inuyasha: (Makes fun of gimli's height, and gets an axe in his shin) OWWWCH! @$%^**&%%%#$^!!!!! Sesshomaru: Wow. I didn't think that was a word. Oh well.
Arwen: I feel so...feminine! Sesshomaru: (slices her head off) Arwen: *dies* Miroku: Aww...I didn't get a chance to hello. Sango: Smack.