Manji vs. Seshomaru, Chloe's Rendition
Seshomaru: (minding his own business, walking through the wilderness on his way to convey some important info about Naraku to Inu-Yasha & crew)
Manji: (standing there looking so not bad ass) Who are you?
Seshomaru: (mind on more pressing matters, like how to defeat Naraku) What business is it of yours, human?
Manji: (takes straw out of mouth) Who do you think you are? Some god?
Jaken: (stepping forward ) How dare you mock my Lord! He is Lord Seshomaru, a Daemon Lord!
Seshomaru: Silence, Jaken! Rin, stay back.
Rin-chan: Hai!
Seshomaru: (steps forth, sensing battle aura from the totally unprovoked idiot man, with his daemon speed, is in front of idiot, uses daemon ability of poison mist to melt the fool before he can even reach for his sword. And all in a fraction of a second!)
Rin-san: (sees Manji evaporate into oblivion, taking all his fish food with him) Well! Would you care to be my body guard for a while and help me take revenge on those who murdered my father?
Seshomaru: Who killed him?
Rin-san: A man named Naraku.
Seshomaru: Well my half brother and his friends and I myself happen to already be plotting his demise.
Rin-san: How quick! How perfect!
Rin-chan: Hey lady, you stole my name!
Rin-san: Quiet brat.
Rin-chan: Is that a challenge?
Rin-san: Yes! I challenge you to...a Martial Arts Battle of Foul Language! #%$@**!
Rin-chan: Oh, yeah? %@#$! ^$#%@*@ &#$%@*$ 7y^$#@& &#*$^&** and #*$^*@!!!
*Rin-chan defeats Rin-san and there after becomes the Master of Martial Arts Battles of Foul Language (having already beaten Ranma and Akane)*
Seshomaru: How clever you are Rin, well done!
