Rainy Day
Woof! Woof! Meeeeooow! Splat!
Yes, it was certainly raining cats and dogs. Sammy the frog stared out the window, feeling a little bad for all of those kitties and doggies falling from the sky and hitting his driveway. It looked quite painful. Oh well, he thought. This is their job. They get paid 10 bucks an hour for it. Sadly many of them die in the process and never get their paychecks. Quite tragic indeed. Anyways, as he was staring out the window that cold, dark afternoon, he saw something strange in his driveway. It appeared to be a tree. The tree walked up to his window and started pounding on it, and in a menacing voice it said, "I know where you live, Sammy. I'm going to get you." Sammy just laughed and set the tree on fire.
The End
