They wished her happy birthday and grabbed their goody bags, then proceeded to their classes. Teachers spewed out words and lectures and announced upcoming tests which collectively would determine their futures and who they would be for the rest of their lives because that’s how it worked. They grew up in wealthy neighborhoods, standing high in the food chain of business gurus, lucky inventors, and shiny Lamborghinis. Therefore they were happy. They were all good kids, followed the daily system, did well in class, and on this Friday afternoon had all intentions of retiring home to watch a movie with a friend or so.
But that day was Camilla’s birthday, and a celebration it would be. Happy birthday Camilla! And as with any adolescent, spending a celebration-worthy day such as this alone is out of the question—a much better time is to be had when shared with friends.
Period ended, children flocked out of classrooms to breathe the air of freedom brought about by the weekend. Camilla approached the others with an excited smile and announced that she would be having a birthday party that night and they were invited for sure. There were smiles and acceptance of the invitation, and a fun evening was set. These youngsters were delighted, and all quite excited for the nice social gathering they’d be off to later that evening. They went home to prepare.
Chapter II
Books were dropped off at houses, homework to be done perhaps the next day as not to disturb an excellent GPA (which would therefore prevent them from ever living a happy life). The companions carpooled in one’s brand new SUV over to their good friend’s house where Camilla’s party was being held, as to conserve gas, decrease traffic, and save the environment. Soon enough they arrived at 426 Circle St., Isla Vista, California. Apparently Camilla had quite a lot of friends, all there to rejoice in the celebration of the fact that she had completed another year of age. It was just like when they were little and invited their whole class to their birthday parties- people were everywhere, socializing in their cliques, most drinking punch and some giggling uncontrollably. Of course by this time there were no parents around—they were good, trustworthy people perfectly capable of conducting a birthday party without assistance or guidance.
Giggling, bloodshot eyes, droned words and staggering abounded, everyone seemingly happier than ever before. It was all in good fun. Each grabbed cups and filled them to the brim with fruit punch, laughing and eventually spinning in place without moving. They were handed foreign objects, and as they inhaled they felt content. Problems could evaporate so easily when one was equipped with the right substances! Happiness in that room was abundant.
Clock chimed twelve times, and as they sat their in their bliss it struck again, then two more times. Company drained out the door, stumbling as they departed. They figured it was about time they headed home. They crawled out the door and into the dirty street, and then hoisted themselves into the car in a daze. Swerving down dark streets and grinning in euphoria, they had never heard so many horns in their young lives. However, these lucky kids made it to the first house (making better time than they ever had before!), fumbled for the keys to get in, and as they walked through the doorway, all collapsed for the night.
Chapter III
Majestic sunlight peeked over the hills the next morning, bringing forth a fresh and bright day. One by one, they watched the world come back into focus. One turned on the local morning news. The day’s top story told of a pregnant woman and her husband who had been driving to the hospital the previous night, as the woman had just gone into labor. It was late, and there hadn’t been many cars on the road. Unfortunately, at the last minute they had seen a flash of headlights and an SUV approaching at near 90 mph. The husband swerved to the side of the road as not to be hit, and as a result ended up wrapping their 1989 Honda Civic around a nearby light post. Woman and soon-to-be child were crushed, husband given a concussion and potentially paralyzed from the shoulders down.
“Enough with depressing stories. Let’s go get high!” one said. And they followed, set out to absorb themselves in sweet ignorance.