So, why do people watch TV???
A long time ago, there was a little girl named Maria. She loved playing sports, studying, and doing chores. Her friends all loved doing these things too, but what they loved doing most of all was watching something called a television. It was a box with a screen that pictures came out of. Maria had never watched a television before, and couldn't think of anything that would explain why people could spend hours sitting in front of a box.
One day, her friends were at their houses staring at boxes, when Maria decided that maybe she would try watching a television. She went into her living room and turned it on. A picture came onto the screen. It was a little man, about one foot in height. Then, he jumped out of the screen and into her living room! She asked, "Who are you?"
"Oh, my name is Bob, and I live in everyone's television. Welcome to the world of TV!!! Every time you turn on your television, I will jump out and you can visit me."
"Wow, this guy's cool," Maria thought to herself. "So this is why people love to watch television. They get to visit Bob."
"So Maria, If you have been wondering why all of your friends love television, this is the reason. I am friends with anyone who will be friends with me, which is what happens whenever a person turns on their television set."
Though you may not believe what I am telling you, this was the reason people used to love TV. Now, everyone only watches it because it's entertaining to watch pictures from a box. The sad part is, all the little Bobs had to leave the television business because there weren't enough of them for all of the television sets in the world.
The End
